SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3350645 - Story can't consume Datasphere model due Hierarchy error


Create a new story in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) based on SAP Datasphere model (for example an Analytical Dataset) causes error:
"Please contact your administrator. Model: DATASPHERE_MODEL"

In Dev Tools -> Network there is a more comprehensive error:
[42208] Can't read the view : DATASPHERE_SPACE:/DATASPHERE_MODEL::[INAMODEL], reason: Hierarchy error


SAP Analytics Cloud 

SAP Datasphere


The issue is caused by non supported hierarchy scenario as mentioned in SAP Help Add a Hierarchy to a Dimension:

"The following hierarchy features are not supported:

  • Multiple parents
  • Unassigned members
  • Cycle handling"


In order to identify the problematic node:

  1. Create/reuse existing Database Analysis User
  2. Open Datasphere's HANA Cloud via "Open Database Explorer"
  3. Under Database Diagnostic Files instance_UUID  indexserver, check logs
  4. After reproducing the issue in SAC, search by most recent "Hierarchy error"
  5. Get a most comprehensive error, such as:
    PreparedQueryExecutor.cpp(00090) : Caught SQL exception: Hierarchy error: The hierarchy source data contains node &PROBLEMATIC_NODE& having multiple parents but the hierarchy is specified to reject such nodes.

This problematic child node has multiple parents.
Therefore correct the hierarchy data or remodel the hierarchy for proper fix.

See Also

Getting Started With the SAP HANA Database Explorer


KBA , DS-MD-VIW , Views , LOD-ANA-DES , Story Design & Visualizations , Known Error


SAP Analytics Cloud all versions ; SAP Datasphere all versions