SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3351600 - Parameter "Customer Group" missing from Form Template Selection for Customer Invoices.


Form Template Selection does not consider "Customer Group" as a valid parameter.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Application and User Management work center
  2. Under Input and Output Management view, select Form Template Selection sub-view
  3. Show Rules For: Sales Order
  4. Select and open Form Template XYZ (XYZ corresponds to Form Template Form ID)
  5. Under Parameter Settings, Customer Group is visible.
  6. Go back and under Show Rules For: select Customer Invoice
  7. Select and open Form Template ABC 
  8. Under Parameter Settings, Customer Group is not available.


The customer invoices are currently determined by the Seller / Invoicing Unit.

This is the expected system behaviour. 


This feature/functionality is currently not available and would therefore be an enhancement request.

In order for you to directly get in contact with the decision makers in SAP Product Management, please submit your enhancement request via the following SAP Continuous Influence sites:


Not available, New functionality, template, invoice. , KBA , SRD-CRM-INV , Customer Invoicing , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions