You are trying to create a new Charge/Credit for supplier or customer account and you are facing the following error message: 'Tax number XYZ not correct as VAT Registration Number for country DEF'.
(XYZ represents the VAT Registration Number).
(DEF represents the Country).
Note: This scenario can be applied for Customer Account and Supplier Account, in this example we will use a supplier account.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Payables work center.
- Go to Supplier Accounts.
- Select All Suppliers.
- Search for Account ID: 123 (123 represents the Account ID).
- Click View.
- Click "New Charge/Credit" button.
- Fill with all parameters.
- In Tax Country/Region select the country DEF.
- You will see the following error:
'Tax number XYZ not correct as VAT Registration Number for country DEF'
You are trying to use a different VAT Registration Number in the Supplier as maintained from Tax Authority: ABC (ABC represents the Tax Authority ID). In order to check the VAT Registration Number maintained in the Supplier and in the Tax Authority, please check the steps below:
To check the VAT Registration Number in the Supplier:
- Go to Payables work center.
- Go to Suppliers subview.
- Select All Suppliers.
- Search for Supplier ID: AAA (AAA represents the supplier ID).
- Click "Edit" button > Financial Data.
- Go to "Tax Data" subtab.
- Here we can see the Tax Number: XYZ maintained.
To check the VAT Registration Number in the Tax Authority:
- Go to Tax Management work center.
- Go to Tax Authorities subview.
- Open the Advanced filter.
- Search for Company ID: BBB (BBB represents the company ID) that you are using in the supplier account.
- Click "Go" button.
- You will see the Tax Authority: ABC.
- Click "Edit" button > Company Tax Arrangements.
- Here we can see the VAT Registration Number maintained is different from the VAT Registration Number maintained in the Supplier.
Expected system behavior.
You have to use the same VAT Registration Number in the supplier that you are using in the Tax Authority.
VAT Registration Number, Supplier, Customer, Tax number. , KBA , SRD-FIN-TAX , Tax Management , How To