It is perceived through a level 2 ICM trace file (dev_icm) that an ABAP Application Server instance took a considerable amount of time to respond to a HTTP request, as below
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- [Thr 140626407888640] HTTP response (raw) [38/319170/11]:
[Thr 140626407888640] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[Thr 140626407888640] content-length: 0
[Thr 140626407888640] sap-server: true
[Thr 140626407888640] sap-perf-fesrec: 1340010.000000
[Thr 140626407888640] Connection Info: role=Server, local=<hostname>:<port number>, peer=<remote IP address>, protocol=HTTPS - (...)
- [Thr 140626407888640] HTTP_TIMER: t0(pfclock):3985460074;dt1(ms):2;dt2(ms):0;dt3(ms):1348;dt4(ms):0;total(ms):1350
From the trace file above, it can be seen that the HTTP response took 1350ms.
SAP NetWeaver ABAP all versions.
ABAP Platform all versions.
performance, http, request, response, abap, sap-perf-fesrec, http_timer , KBA , SV-PERF , Performance Problems , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , Problem
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