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3351705 - HANA SQL error 616 "rejected by workload class configuration" error occurs in SAP Datasphere


Symptom 1:

The following error occurs when running Data Flow or Replication Flow where target is a local table on SAP Datasphere: 

"General error; 616 rejected by workload class configuration"

"HanaError: rejected by workload class configuration, Code: 616, SQL State: HY000"

Symptom 2:

View persistency failed with below error message:

"errorMessage":"rejected by workload class configuration, Code: 616, SQL State: HY000"

Complete Error example:

Failed to write data to target due to database error. SAP DBTech JDBC: [616]: rejected by workload class configuration. This error can occur for any replication object when the workload class CPU or memory threshold limit of the HANA database is exceeded, or when the SQL statement has been waiting in the queue for more than 10 minutes. Please check HANA workload management settings to increase the workload thread limit and/or memory limit and/or priority. A possible solution could be, for example, adding more vCPU or memory capacity. Alternatively, you could consider pausing a few replication flows or their objects (considering their business importance) to reduce concurrency, until the HANA SQL error 616 disappears.



SAP Datasphere


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616, "HANA SQL error 616", "General error;616", "workload class configuration", data extraction, overloaded system, Admission control, space, workload, dwc, Datasphere, DS, M_ADMISSION_CONTROL_EVENTS , KBA , DS-DI , Data Integration/Data Builder , Problem

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