- When issuing alter replication definition (repdef) to change table schema in-flight. If there is transaction running for that table from primary database(PDB) at the same time as the alter replication definition. The DSI may shut down with the following errors:
- ERROR #5204 DSI EXEC(148(1) xxxx.xxxdb) - eneric/dsi/dsiutil.c(4905) Error from unpacker or parser. See previous message for more information. DSI will retry.
- ERROR #32059 DSI EXEC(148(1) xxxx.xxxdb) - de/generic/nrm/nrm.c(706) Invalid object identifier for table or function 'tablename'. id = 0x010200660000035f.
- ERROR #5035 DSI EXEC(148(1) xxxx.xxxdb) - /dsiutil.c(4540) Error from unpacker or parser. See previous message for more information. The DSI thread for database 'xxxx.xxxdb' is shutdown.
- These errors will generate in the outbound queue, messages which state: "BAD ENTRY".
SAP Replication Server (SRS) SP302 and below
SAP Replication Server all versions
CR 791496, 791496, rs_send_repserver_cmd, rs_helprepversion, 2275899 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Product Enhancement
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