If a user selected Suppress Order while creating a requisition, and the Notify preparers and requesters when purchase orders are generated (Application.Purchasing.SendMailToPreparerAndRequesterOnPurchaseOrderGeneration) parameter was enabled, the purchase order was not sent to SAP Business Network. However, the requester and the preparer of the requisition received an email notification that the purchase order had been sent to the supplier.
- The Notify preparers and requesters when purchase orders are generated (Application.Purchasing.SendMailToPreparerAndRequesterOnPurchaseOrderGeneration) parameter determines whether the SAP Ariba solution must send an email notification to the preparer and the requester of the corresponding requisition when a purchase order is successfully generated, and the order moves to the Ordered state.
- The Application.Procure.SuppressOrderSendtoAN parameter (set by SAP Ariba Support) must be enabled for the Suppress Order option to be displayed.
[Change Request ID: CP-24035] , KBA , BNS-ARI-CP-CORE , Core Administration , Product Enhancement
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