SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3352208 - The Meaning of Retraining Status for Scanned Invoices


You have uploaded a scanned invoice and want to understand what the status of the Retraining Status means. 


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Supplier Invoicing work center.
  2. Go to Invoice Scanning view.
  3. Search for ABC (ABC is the invoice's ID). 
  4. Check the column Retraining Status. 

You can see that the status is 'Not Started', 'Rejected Due To Personal Data' or 'Accepted for Retraining'. 


The Retraining Status shows the status of the feedback of reviewed values to update the model based on the corrected values.

To make sure that your tenant is sending the feedback, please ensure that the following question is scoped: "Do you want to train the ML model with the user values via feedback integration ?". The steps to scoped it are mentioned below:  

  1. Go to Business Configuration work center.
  2. Go to Implementation Projects view.
  3. Select First Implementation.
  4. Click in Edit project scope button.
  5. Click in Next until reach Questions.
  6. Expand Purchasing.
  7. Expand Supplier Invoicing.
  8. Scope the question "Do you want to train the ML model with the user values via feedback integration ?"


Retraining Status is used when we send feedback of reviewed values to update the model based on the corrected values. The Retraining Status when on initial stage has status 'Not Started'. The Machine Learning firstly checks if there is any personal data in the file. Once the check is done, the status changes to either 'Rejected Due To Personal Data' or 'Accepted for Retraining'. 

Firstly the user needs to Review the scanned values. Based on the defined Invoice Scanning Algorithm (DOX), the scanned values are mapped to the fields automatically. Also the user needs to confirm in the checkbox that the Review 'Does not contain Personal Data'. Please refrain that this does not mean that the DOX will automatically accept the feedback values. DOX will firstly check the Personal Data on its algorithm, so if there is Personal Data, it will be rejected (This is not determined by ByDesign). 

Also only saving the Reviewed Values does not trigger the feedback to DOX Server. The user needs to create a Supplier Invoice based on the Reviewed Values. It may take a few minutes but after that the Retraining Status should be updated. The Machine Learning algorithm will take its own time to process it. 

ByDesign sends the feedback to DOX Sever but the processing of it is done by DOX's Machine Learning. 

See Also


Invoice Scanning; Scanned Invoice; Machine Learning; Retraining; Model , KBA , SRD-SRM-SI , Supplier Invoicing , How To


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