The focus of the KBA is to help you understand and analyze all the HTTP errors that happen during the connection from your sender system to your Cloud Integration (inbound). Also, this KBA will provide some troubleshooting tips which will help better understand where exactly is the problem and how to avoid/prevent it in the future.
- SAP Integration Suite
- SAP Business Technology Platform
- Cloud Integration
CPI, HCI, 401, 403, 404, Unauthorized, Not Found, Forbidden, inbound, call, sender, adapter, role, user, certificate, cert based authentication, endpoint, end point, technical user, Basic Authentication, authenticated, service key, service instance, NEO, Cloud Foundry, failed, communication, ESBMessaging.send, tmn, iflmap, node, inbound, logs, checks, check, how, to, files, ljs logs, http, sender, receiver , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-HTP , HTTP Adapter , How To
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