- SAP Build Work Zone is accessed using the sap-ui-theme or sap-theme URL parameters to set the theme
- Work Zone Fiori Launchpad loads correctly with the defined theme
- When navigating to applications and "Internal Server Error" message is displayed
- Checking HTTP Network Traces, the following request is seen with the 500 Internal Server Error result:
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP Business Technology Platform
- SAP Cloud Foundry Portal Service
- SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition
- SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition
portal-cf-html-bootstrap/lib/html-handler-appruntime.js:133 - getAppruntimeHtml - error occurred while getting AppRuntime html, TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL at ThemesUtils.getBootstrapAppRuntimeThemeInformation at async /home/vcap/app/src/routes/main-routes.js input: '/comsapuitheming.runtime', code: 'ERR_INVALID_URL' launchpad work zone workzone foundry cloud portal cloud custom theme url force , KBA , CA-UI2-THD , Theme Designer , EP-WZ-SM , Site Directory, Site Settings, Site Service, IAS Integration , Problem
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