- When opening a Microsoft Office document in SCASEPS, SCASE or ORGANIZER transaction, the document opens in a new window (outplace);
- The outplace mode persists even after changing Microsoft Office setting going to ->File->Options->General->Select either the Option "Optimize for best appearance" or "Optimize for Compatibility";
- When running Demo program 'SAPRDEMO_FORM_INTERFACE' -> Application 'Excel' -> Select check box 'Run Application in place', the correct behavior occurs. In other words, the error is only reproductible with above-mentioned transactions;
- The following records appears in the SAP GUI session trace (Trace components: General, Control Manager, Automation, Office Integration, FrontEnd Services):
<143=Office Integration(Error)(28.04.23 08:34:08.550): Error: RegEnumKeyEx failed (hr = 0x00000103);
<215=Automation: CALL METHOD "ShellExecute" OF [#39/0x0FDEE760/200/SAPGUI.InfoCtrl.1]
#1: STRING[111 bytes] "C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\Documents\SAP\SAP GUI\<filename>.doc"
SAP GUI for Windows
SAP Netweaver
Microsoft Office, excel, word, outplace, new window, blank screen, empty container, separate window, SCASEPS, SCASE, ORGANIZER. , KBA , BC-SRV-RM , SAP Records Management , BC-FES-OFFI , SAP Desktop Office Integration , Problem
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