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3353619 - How Many Characters Can Display on a Clock


When a user attempts to load an assignment group containing lots of employees on the approval screen or more importantly lots of open approvals on the screen, the screen can take a long time to load, approve, and save and can appear unresponsive during this time. (Example: Attempting to load the screen for an .All assignment group with 45,000+ employees could take 15 minutes to load and 30 minutes to save)

Depending on the size of the assignment group, number of open amendments, and the configuration and layout, this can also cause the issue: User is logged out when approving timesheets for assignment groups with more than 500 employees please see the linked article if you are running into that issue and require assistance. 



WorkForce Time and Attendance (All Versions)


KBA , XX-PART-WFR-CLK , Workforce Clock , Known Error

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