- When running a Forecast Error application job, with the setting 'Calculate Trend Curve' selected in the application job settings, the job fails.
- The error(s) in the application log is:
- Inventory Optimization call unsuccessful and stopped.
- A technical error occurred.
- If the same exact job is run again, but without the setting 'Calculate Trend Curve', the job is successful.
- The output planning level in the forecast error profile is timeless (i.e. PRODLOCCUSTGROUPLAG).
SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain (SCM-IBP)
SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain all versions
ibp, inventory, optimization, demand, io, forecast, error, FE, profile, KPI, calculate, trend, curve, technical, error, occurred, occured, application, job, failing, failed, error, planning , KBA , SCM-IBP-INV , Inventory Planning , SCM-IBP-DM-STF , Statistical Forecasting , Problem
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