Even after IQ restarted and no other user is connected, sp_iqsysmon 'threads' output shows that 'NumThrUsed' is already '80%'. But sp_iqcontext return nothing at that time.
We want to know how to check the real 'threads' usage at a given time.
Here is example.
* System specification and SAP IQ parameter & option ;
- 128 logical processor(s), 64 core(s), in 2 chip(s)
- Max_IQ_Threads_Per_Connection = 70
- '-iqmt' is not set
* sp_iqsysmon shows after IQ server is restarted :
ThreadLimit 3770
ThrNumThreads 3769 (100.0 %)
ThrReserved 211 (5.6 %)
ThrNumFree 731 (19.4 %)
NumThrUsed 3039 (80.6 %)
SAP IQ 16.1 SP05.x
In-use thread, Thread usage, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , BW-SYS-DB-IQ , BW on HANA with Sybase IQ Near-line Storage , How To
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