A time sheet for an employee was somehow locked but not closed, but the period is advanced. When the next payroll run comes up, this will cause the employee to fail during the lock and calc, since there is already a locked period.
When trying to run a lock and calc job, a specific employee has an error saying that a period is already locked. However, this period does not match the one that is currently being processed.
[ERR_DTL] 2016-08-03 16:13:32 com.workforcesoftware.Exceptions.InternalApplicationException: Period ending 2016-07-23 is already locked.
When trying to close the employee, there is a warning that the employee failed because the actual current period has not been locked.
[WARNING] 2016-08-03 16:08:33 [WARNING] 2016-08-03 16:08:33 Task: Gonzalez, Alma Luz[3407859467/200559], 3407859469 2016-07-30 completed with results: WARNING : NOT processed because target period 2016-07-30 is not locked for employee: 3407859467 and asgnmt: 3407859469 (code:4)
With review, the current period for the employee is on the current period as expected, but the prior period is locked and not closed. Somehow the period was advanced without closing the prior period.
is already locked" during lock and calculate">
SAP Workforce Time and Attendance (All Versions)
KBA , XX-PART-WFR-TAM , SAP Time and Attendance Management by Workforce Software , Problem
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