You want to post goods issue for an outbound delivery manually.
However, you get the error message "A row already exists with this key" and the goods issue is failed.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Open the corresponding outbound delivery in app Change Outbound Delivery.
- Click on the "Post Goods Issue" button.
- The error message shows up at the bottom of the screen.
Checking in SSCUI 103069 - Define MRP Areas for Subcontractors, you can find there are multiple subcontracting MRP areas maintained for the combination of the same supplier and plant. This will cause the duplicate key error.
Please maintain only one MRP area for a supplier within a plant.
outbound delivery, goods issue, vl02n, SSCUI 103069 - Define MRP Areas for Subcontractors, duplicate key , KBA , PP-MRP-2CL , Material Requirements Planning (Public Cloud) , Problem