- You try to assign a TR to a Change Document/Work Item fulfilling the prerequisites of KBA 2361067
- You receive error Action Assign Transport Request in system WWW contains errors. Read the application log. (being WWW SID, system type and client) in the header of the CRM document.
- You find error message Transport Request XXX is not in task list YYY (being XXX TR Number and YYY Task List number) in the application log (/TMWFLOW/TRANSPORT_N 642.)
- Additionally, you notice Task List task "Assign Transport Request" is missing in YYY Task List.
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
Task List, TR, assign, assignment, task, missing, not in task list, transport, app log, /TMWFLOW/TRANSPORT_N642, /TMWFLOW/TRANSPORT_N 642, , KBA , SV-SMG-CM , Change Request Management , SV-SMG-OST-FB-CM , Change Request Management , Problem
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