You're using SWPM to perform a SAP installation using Db2 and observe the following error "Could not retrieve Db2 Communication Port".
TRACE 2023-07-10 00:46:30.045 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
getPortFromDb2ClientConfig: start
TRACE 2023-07-10 00:46:30.053 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
Could not retrieve Db2 Communication Port from </usr/sap/SAP/SYS/global/db6/db2cli.ini> or Service Entry
ERROR 2023-07-10 00:46:30.054 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [CInstallerCallBackImpl.cpp:260] id=dbmoddb6.generic errno=MDB-01999 CInstallerCallBackImpl::abortInstallation()
Could not retrieve Db2 Communication Port.
ERROR 2023-07-10 00:46:30.055 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:83] id=modlib.jslib.caughtException errno=MUT-03025
Caught ESAPinstException in module call: Could not retrieve Db2 Communication Port..
- Software Provisioning Tool (SWPM) any release
- IBM DB2 LUW (DB6) any release
db2dsdriver.cfg , db2cli.ini , MDB-01999 , MUT-03025 , KBA , BC-DB-DB6-INS , Installation SAP System , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , Problem
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