The Time Off Request (TOR) screens in WT&A provide a method for employees to submit requests for time to be added to the timesheet, which can go through an approval process before directly applying to the timesheet. Employees can submit, review, edit, and cancel requests from these screens, depending on configuration settings. Managers can review requests of their direct reports, approving or rejecting as appropriate.
The TOR screens are primarily designed with absence time that needs approval in mind, such as Vacation time. However, its can be used in many different ways, with some samples below.
- Planned Absence Time which requires approval (e.g. Vacation)
- Unplanned Absence Time Reporting (e.g. Sick, Bereavement)
- Required Absence Reporting (e.g. Jury Duty)
- Requests requiring specialty or multiple approver review
- Creating Absence and Accommodation Cases
- Submitting leave time for selected Absence Cases
SAP Absence & Leave Management by Workforce Software (All versions)
KBA , XX-PART-WFR-ACT , SAP Absence & Leave Management (ACT) by Workforce Software , How To
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