Starting with WT&A 18.3, TORs can have an approval workflow defined. Prior to that release, all TORs required exactly one approval from any user with the MANAGER_TIMEOFF_REQUEST system feature for an Assignment Group with the submitted. The first person to approve would allow the time associated with the TOR to make it to the time sheet.
With the new Approval Workflow functionality, it is possible to set up more complex approval options. A TOR can have multiple approvers required, or no approvers at all. And the specifics on the order and roles that need to approve can be more finely controlled. Finally, each approval workflow is attached along with a formula qualification, so even within a single policy profile it is possible to use different workflows by absence type, details about the related employee or assignment, or other appropriate information.
Below is a sample of setting up a fairly simple TOR approval workflow which requires two approvers. Further down will be screenshots showing what this looks like in the web application.
SAP Absence & Leave Management by Workforce Software(18.3+ version)
KBA , XX-PART-WFR-ACT , SAP Absence & Leave Management (ACT) by Workforce Software , Problem
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