Error "Tax Reporting is only allowed if all CoDos have RITA active or inactive" (Message No. : FOT_TXA053) appears while using Create Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchase Tax (AppID: S_ALR_87012357) or Run Advanced Compliance Reports (AppID: F1515).
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Tax reporting based on groups or on company codes is supported only if all groups or company codes have the same RITA settings.
See Also
All of the groups/company codes must have RITA active, or all of them must have RITA inactive.
Company codes with RITA active and inactive in the same tax group is not supported.
RITA, tax group, Tax Reporting is only allowed if all CoDos have RITA active or inactive, FOT_TXA053 , KBA , FI-GL-GL-F-2CL , Value Added Tax (VAT) (Public Cloud) , Problem