The LD Upload web utility is an way to manage LD tables directly through the web application.
Most LD tables are managed through LD imports. The import process looks for a file on the SFTP to load in, and allows for better communication with an external system which can provide the source file. The import is the recommended approach for large LD tables, or tables that have frequent changes.
For tables that are small and do not change frequently, or which are managed manually and not fed by an external system, the LD Upload can be a useful tool. This allows a user to download a CSV file for the table, which can either be an empty template or hold all current data. The user can then modify that file and upload it again, choosing to either append the new data or completely replace the existing table with the new values. Generally only the LD Upload or the LD Import should be in use and not both.
IMPORTANT: Great care should be taken when modifying any file with dates in it, or values with leading 0s. Programs like Microsoft Excel will modify the data when opening the file, leading to date formats changing or issues as detailed in Missing leading zeros in LD fields. It is highly recommended to open the file with a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++, which will not change the contents of the file.
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