Facing the issue that the sldreg for HANA System partially fails.
It appears from corresponding sldreg command for the Supplier Name, the correct profile is not referenced/used.
Also the HTTPS connection fails:
SapISSLUseSessionCache(): Creating NEW cli session (0 cached)
CCL[SSL]: Cli-00000004: Have no session to be resumed. Performing full handshake [ssl3_client_hello]
CCL[SSL]: Cli-00000004: ClientHello: Offering protocol version 3.1 (TLSv1.0) [ssl3_get_client_hello_version]
CCL[SSL]: Cli-00000004: ClientHello: no session resumption requested (empty session ID) [ssl3_client_hello]
CCL[SSL]: Cli-00000004: Summary: Offering 3 cipher suite(s) and SCSV(s):
< 2> : Signaling cipher suite value (SCSV) secure renegotiation (RFC5746)
CCL[SSL]: Cli-00000004: Sending SSLv3/TLS ClientHello [ssl3_client_hello]
CCL[SSL]: Cli-00000004: Error 0xA0600278(received a fatal TLS protocol version alert message from the peer): received a fatal TLS protocol version alert message from the peer
CCL[SSL]: Cli-00000004: ########## TLSERROR: SSL3 client handshake failed [0xA0600278: received a fatal TLS protocol version alert message from the peer]
The cipher suites that the HANA DB and the SLD have negotiated are not supported by the SLD and hence the HTTPS connection cannot be established.
The sldreg command of the Supplier Name <Name2> appears not to reference the correct profile.
SAP Solution Manager
SAP HANA Platform 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition all versions
KBA , HAN-DB-MON , SAP HANA Monitoring , Problem
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