SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3356325 - Administer Obsolete Business Partner Run is not Working


You are scheduling Administer Obsolete Business Partner Run to mass delete employees but the run is not picking any employees for deletion


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Data Protection and Privacy work center
  2. Go to Common Tasks
  3. Select Administer Obsolete Business Partner Run link
  4. Enter the Date offset (if you enter 2 years, then employees who were terminated two years back should be picked by the run)
  5. Save


There are series of conditions which should be met by the employee to be available for the deletion. Even if one of the condition is not met then the employee wont be picked by this run


Check the Country of the employee because the retention period of the employee is determined by the employee country

Retention Period:

Based on the country of the employee, the retention period is determined from the business configuration fine tuning activity - Data Retention for Employees.

For example: 

1. If the Retention period of the country is 99 years then the Employee deletion is possible only after 99 years from termination

2. If the Retention period is 2 years then the employee deletion is possible after 2 years of termination

You can also find whether the employee completed retention period using below steps:

1. Go to Data Protection and Privacy work center

2. Personal Data Removal view

3. Highlight the employee and click 'Remove Data'

4. Here you can find Retention Period Completion (No means the retention period is not completed)

Replication of Employees to SAP Cloud for Customer:

If you are replicating employees into C4C then you need to ensure that the checkbox "Include Business Partners with ID Mapping" is checked


Ensure above causes and solution are applied then you can execute the Administer Obsolete Business Partner Run again.

Other potential issues:

  1. If employee has tickets in "closed", "in process, "open" statues, will the run delete an obsolete employee irrespective of the ticket status?
    • Yes, if a ticket exists with employee where the data removal/delete has happened, then irrespective of ticket status, we anonymize the party where that employee is assigned with XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX 
  2. Error Message "A current or future assignment to org unit XYZ (Contact centre) exists"
    • Ensure that the employee doesnt have any assignment to Org Unit in current or future dates


DPP, obsolete, deletion, employee , KBA , AP-RC-ILM , ByD,C4C,Travel: Information Lifecycle Management , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions