When entering the System Logon page for a SICF service (for instance, typing the transaction code on SAP GUI) and entering the logon credentials, a "refresh" is perceived and the browser stays on the logon page.
A symptom that can occur is that the URL gets redirected from
- http(s)://<hostname>:<HTTP(S) port>/sap/bc/<path to the SICF service, not necessarily starting with /sap/bc/>&sap-client=100&sap-language=EN<& other query parameters, if applicable)
- http(s)://<hostname>:<HTTP(S) port>/sap/bc/<path to the SICF service, not necessarily starting with /sap/bc/>
Usually, there is an external component in front of the backend Application Server instance (e.g. a SAP Web Dispatcher).
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
SICF, SSL, HTTPS, HTTP, Security Requirement, Standard, external component configuration, ICF, Internet Communication Framework, SICF, Service, Services, ICF service, ICF_GDPR. , KBA , BC-MID-ICF-LGN , ICF System Login , BC-SEC-LGN , Authentication , Problem
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