Migration from ASE 15.7 SP64 to ASE 16.0 SP04 PL02 (Both in LINUX).
Both servers have same memory and number of engines allotted and same kernel mode (threaded).
But we have the following difference:
We have the following messages when starting ASE on version 16:
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/03/12 23:31:34.98 server Number of blocks left for proc headers: 5502624.
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/03/12 23:31:34.98 server Proc header memory allocated 91710 pages for each per engine cache.
We have the following messages when starting ASE on version 15.7:
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.29 server Number of blocks left for proc headers: 5504608.
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.30 server Proc header memory allocated 36697 pages for each per engine cache.
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.36 server Proc header memory allocated 36697 pages for engine 0 local cache
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.36 kernel Create Thread Pool 2, "syb_system_pool", type="Run To Completion", with 1 threads
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.36 kernel Create Thread Pool 3, "syb_blocking_pool", type="Run To Completion", with 4 threads
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.36 kernel Create Thread Pool 1, "syb_default_pool", type="Engine (Multiplexed)", with 30 threads
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.36 kernel Aggressive task stealing enabled
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.43 server Proc header memory allocated 36697 pages for engine 1 local cache
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.50 server Proc header memory allocated 36697 pages for engine 2 local cache
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.56 server Proc header memory allocated 36697 pages for engine 3 local cache
00:0000:00000:00000:2023/02/05 10:53:00.63 server Proc header memory allocated 36697 pages for engine 4 local cache
We don't see the message about number of procedure headers for each engine local cache on version 16.0.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 SP04
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7
Proc header memory allocated pages engine local cache each per engine cache ELC , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To
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