SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3357532 - Scenario SAP_COM_0008 is not listed in the scenario field while creating the new Communication Arrangement for Business Partner API


Upon creating a Communication Arrangement for Business Partner API, the relevant Communication Scenario SAP_COM_0008 is not listed in the scenario field.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Communication Arrangements app
  2. Select on the new button
  3. In the new communication arrangement, select the value help
  4. Unable to find the communication scenario: SAP_COM_0008


The item 1RO has not been scoped in the solution.


The mentioned communication scenario SAP_COM_0008 belongs to the scope item 1RO , this does not require additional license. To use the communication scenario SAP_COM_0008, activate the scope item 1RO for the country solution. 

Upon successful activation of the scope item, the communication scenario SAP_COM_0008 will become available for selection in the new communication arrangement. 

Refer the Master Data Integration (1RO) for documentation and Best Practice guide for Master Data Integration (1RO) 

See Also

Master Data Integration (1RO)

Best Practice guide for Master Data Integration (1RO) 


Scope, 1RO, Master Data Integration, SAP_COM_0008, Communication Scenario, Communication Arrangements, API_BUSINESS_PARTNER , KBA , LO-MD-FIO-BP-2CL , Fiori UI for Business Partner for Public Cloud , LO-MD-FIO-BP , Fiori UI for Business Partner , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions