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3358260 - Creation of a job requisition for position <positionNumber> failed. Details: As a user, you do not have permission to create a form - Recruiting Management


When creating a job requisition from Position Org chart, you receive the following error message: "Sorry, the requisition cannot be created. Creation of a job requisition for position <PositionNumber>failed. Details: As a user, you do not have permission to create a form. To enable 'Permission to Create Forms' in Admin Center, contact your administrator. with the index 0"



SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management 


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions


rcm, recruiting, permission, role, manage, create, form, requisition, position, org, chart, sorry, user, is, not, allowed, position, number , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-POS , Position Integration , Problem

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