- In IPS, IAS source system/target system was configured with client certificate authentication(property "Authentication": "ClientCertificateAuthentication").
- In ips_jobErrorLogs_<job ID>_<date><time>.zip file, the following 403 error can be seen:
error=org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpOperationFailedException: HTTP operation failed invoking https: //<tenant id> with statusCode: 403, Response: , - If basic authentication (property "Authentication": "BasicAuthentication") is set, then see KBA 2906040 - IPS job fails with HTTP code 403 when provisioning from/to an Identity Authentication tenant. BasicAuthentication is set.
- Identity Provisioning
- Identity Authentication
Identity Provisioning 1.0
ips, iam, ids, ias, job log, provision, sync, cannot read, 403, failed to invoke, error code, Target System returned Forbidden status, client certificate, x.509, expire, expired, certificate , KBA , BC-IAM-IPS , Identity Provisioning Service (IPS) , BC-IAM-IDS , Identity Authentication Service , Problem
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