You have faced with cancelation of job SAP_LMDB_AI_CRM_LDB_0000000001. Every time when it have been canceled, there is SYSTEM_NO_ROLL exception in ST22.
Job SAP_LMDB_AI_CRM_LDB_0000000001 is executing every time more than 3 hours. It seems not normal. Every time there can be different reason for cancellation:
- No memory available for CUA interface
- Internal session terminated with a runtime error TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED
- or without error (the last message is 'Starting downstream synchronization job (namespace active) for consumer IT-Service management (CL_AI_CRM_LMDB_NOTIF_CONS)')
Also, IB52/IB53 transactions starts very slow (more than 10 minutes after start of selection ) and ends with different results: 'Memory low' error on screen, SQL_CAUGHT_RABAX or TSV_TNEW_OCCURS_NO_ROLL_MEMORY exception in ST22. It could be led by the same root cause.
- SAP ERP Logistics
- SAP Application Platform 700 release
- SAP Application Platform 750 release
- SAP Solution Manager
SAP_LMDB_AI_CRM_LDB_0000000001, TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED, SYSTEM_NO_ROLL, TSV_TNEW_OCCURS_NO_ROLL_MEMORY, IB52, IB53, Memory dump, ibase, installed base, Archiving, Performance issue, Secondary Index, SQL_CAUGHT_RABAX, Solution Manager , KBA , AP-MD-IBA , Installed Base , How To
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