When editing a Requisition sometimes the Total Cost is wrong. This delays the ordering process as requisition is often denied.
NetPrice exceeds the Sum of child lines in a Service PR when it should exactly match the Sum of child lines.
Steps to reproduce:
Services enabled, and AddChildItemAmountToParentServiceItem parameter
1. Add non-catalog item (not a service item!) with Price of $5 and quantity of 1;
2. Edit item in requisition, change to Service Item;
3. Add child items with Price of 1, quantity of 1000;
4. Change Quantity to 1001 for child lines;
5. Click Update Total below all lines;
6. Parent line = original non-catalog amount + children = 7
7. Total Cost is off by 1 or 2
KBA , BNS-ARI-INV , Invoicing , Known Error
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