When adding a DATA or LOG volume, the following error is displayed in the Kernel Error Log file 'KnlMsgArchive':
Thread 0x34A9 Task 28 2023-05-02 01:00:04 AdminMsg 0: 6450A6E402B0 0000 ADD ADD DATA VOLUME '/sapdb/SDB/sapdata/DISKD0016' PAGES 2048000 DEVICE 16
Thread 0x34A9 Task 28 2023-05-02 01:00:04 ERR IOMan 20032: Formatting of Data_Volume volume 16 failed,_FILE=IOMan_Volume+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=870
2023-05-02 01:00:04 ERR RTEIO 81: volume /sapdb/SDB/sapdata/DISKD0016 cannot be created:13,ERRORTEXT=Permission denied,_FILE=RTEIO_StreamMedium+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=6670
Volume /sapdb/SMA/sapdata/DISKD0016 cannot be created. The system call returns the error code 13: Permission denied.
Contact your system administrator. Show him the error message which points to an operating system configuration error and then contact the database support if your system administrator can not fix the error.
Thread 0x34A9 Task 28 2023-05-02 01:00:04 AdminMsg 0: 6450A6E402B1 0000 ADD RETURNCODE -914;ADD DATA VOLUME '/sapdb/SDB/sapdata/DISKD0016' PAGES 2048000 DEVICE 16
- SAP MaxDB >= 7.7.
- SAP liveCache >= 7.7.
linux, admin, error, volume, data, log, maxdb, livecache, sdb, sdba, ERRORTEXT=Permission denied, windows, unix , KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , BC-DB-LVC , liveCache , Problem
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