You are running a Time Series supply planning operator (heuristic, optimizer, shelf life, forecast consumption, check mode) and you observe messages (information, warnings, inconsistencies, obsolete objects) in the application log regarding inconsistencies for planning objects that are not part of your planning filter on the application job.
For ratios you may also observe, for example, running the Heuristic for subnetwork A, you could see the log message for a Location - Product which belongs to subnetwork B:
Location | Product | Subnetwork |
L1 | P1 | A |
L2 | P1 | B |
By running Heuristic for subnetwork A, the message log for L2-P1 also appears in the operator log, such as “Invalid sourcing data: Total ratio 2.000000 is outside allowed range.”.
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
Filtering, finite heuristic, planning log, business log. , KBA , SCM-IBP-SUP-ALG , Algorithms , SCM-IBP-SUP-OPT , Supply Optimizer , Problem
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