When opening an ODE (Optimized Design Experience) story with the 'View' mode, and going to the table to select the hierarchy for the ACCOUNT dimension it is not possible to change the hierarchy while in 'View' mode. When trying to select a different hierarchy the message "The hierarchy of an account dimension can only be changed when the story is in design mode" is displayed.
- SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.8
SAP Cloud for Planning, sc4p, c4p, cforp, cloudforplanning, Cloud for Analytics, Cloud4Analytics, CloudforAnalytics, Cloud 4 Planning, BOC, SAPBusinessObjectsCloud, BusinessObjectsCloud, BOBJcloud, BOCloud., SAC, SAP AC, Cloud-Analytics, CloudAnalytics, SAPCloudAnalytics,Error, Issue, System, Data, User, Unable, Access, Sac, Acquisition, Model, Connect, Story, Tenant, Import, Failed, Using, Working, Hierarchies, ACCT , KBA , LOD-ANA-PL , Planning , Problem
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