Requesting the possibility to have a case-sensitive search in pd-web.
Option 1(preferable): we can add a switch (latching) push button (similar to "Group by Object Type") with an icon for case-sensitivity (and a corresponding tool-tip)
Option 2: checkbox would be after the Name Only|Code Only|All Fields(Full Text) drop-down list with label "Case Sensitive"
- When "on", the search result will be limited to objects matching exactly.
- When "off", the search will be case-insensitive (like today).
- The new option will appear in all search windows
- The new option will be kept over successive search
SAP PowerDesigner 16.x
SAP PowerDesigner all versions
search, "case sensitive", pdweb, CR828287 , CR#828287, 828287 , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Problem
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