With WorkForce Absence v19.1 and later, Accrual Date Tracking has been added as an optional configuration for banks. When in use, any time record for a usage, clearing, or similar on the related bank will include a new date for when the related time was accrued in the system. Time is always removed in a first-in first-out basis. This date can be referenced in the formula language to drive behavior as needed. A new function "balanceAccruedBefore" is also available in combination with this configuration to allow the system to review all accruals that happened before a specified date that have not yet been used.
For the examples below, an Attendance bank is used which stores points as days, and where the points roll off after 90 days. Further, there is an "Attendance Point Forgiveness" pay code which can be used to reduce the balance if appropriate for special reasons.
SAP Absence & Leave Management by Workforce Software (Version 19.1+)
KBA , XX-PART-WFR-ACT , SAP Absence & Leave Management (ACT) by Workforce Software , Problem
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