The Policy Migration tool within the Policy Editor is a way to compare and move specified policies between different regions. This can be used in combination with Policy Bundles, or simply by selecting individual policies. Review the "Bundling, Policy Migration, and the Policy Diff Report" standard document for much more detail on using the Policy Migration tool.
Policy Migrations are intended for a moderate number of changes, where there are too many policies to easily update manually, but it is not a significant enough rework to consider a full Policy Dump and Load. A Policy Migration is frequently done in combination with Policy Bundles, as a way to keep policies organized and easily migrate all changes together. It is highly recommended to use bundles whenever you are working with Policy Migrations, to ensure that no changes get left behind. See Policy Changes: Manual, Migrate, or Policy Dump for more details on best practices and when to use each.
Anytime a Policy Migration is completed, some basic validation should be done in the target environment. It may not be possible to test the specific changes migrated, particularly when migrating to PROD. But, sample timesheets should be loaded for any policy profiles affected by the set of changes. The goal is to check for any stack trace errors when reaching the time sheet or in the exceptions tab. These are usually caused by incomplete migrations, where a key policy was left behind but still referenced in a set or by another policy, or by an unexpected change being brought along, where a set references a policy that is still being worked on and isn't supposed to be migrated yet. A quick review can help catch these significant errors right away, and address them immediately.
SAP WorkForce Time and Attendance (All Versions)
KBA , XX-PART-WFR-TAM , SAP Time and Attendance Management by Workforce Software , Problem
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