SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3362362 - UTC Migration impact on Compensation


SAP SuccessFactors is standardizing the use of time across all our systems (applications, databases, and servers) across all our data centers in our continuous effort to align with the cloud industry's best practices for improved data integrity, security and scalability. SAP SuccessFactors is moving its platform to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

SAP SuccessFactors offers global services and currently supports multiple time zones. We must have a consistent, reliable time zone across all geographies to ensure that applications behave the same regardless of physical location. UTC is a natural choice given our global customer base, and UTC is not subject to Daylight Saving Time.

After migration:

  • The original server time zone will be used to set the Tenant Preferred Time Zone (TPT) (For more information on TPT, refer to KBA: 3319478 - Preferred Tenant Time Zone )
  • For customers already running on a server in UTC the Tenant Preferred Time Zone (TPT) will be set to UTC.

The confirmed schedule can be found in KBA 3101935 - SAP SuccessFactors is moving to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) - Table Report/Canvas/Tiles/Report Story.


SAP SuccessFactors Compensation Management



    After the migration, all date/time type values will be displayed as before without behavior changes (Tenant preferred timezone will be applied to keep the timezone as same as before). ​Below is a list all the known areas that will have some change due to the UTC Migration:

    • Date Information for non-floating fields format has changed to show UTC offset the Tenant Preferred Timezone. For example, Last Modification Date on Lookup Tables​
    • Comments to merit fields within Executive Review will show the timestamp as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM/PM UTC...

    See Also


    UTC, timestamp, SF, SuccessFactors, Universal, Coordinated, Compensation Management, worksheets, comments, commenting , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-FRM , Forms & Templates , LOD-SF-CMP-EXR , Executive Review , How To


    SAP SuccessFactors Compensation all versions