Due to security vulnerabilities in Node.js v14 and v16 that cannot be mitigated, both Node.js v14 and v16 will no longer be available for Commerce Cloud JavaScript storefront builds resulting in failed builds. Additionally, Node.js v18 will no longer be available starting January 2025.
- For Node.js v14: As previously announced on August 11 2023, Node.js v14 will no longer be available starting September 13th, 2023
- For Node.js v16: Starting October 31st, 2023, builds which specify v16 in the manifest will fail. (New as of Sept 2023)
- For Node.js v18: Starting January 2025, builds which specify v18 in the manifest will fail. (New as of August 2024)
After the removal date, builds WILL FAIL if the Node.js version specified in the manifest is no longer available. New builds in the Cloud Portal will report the following error:
INFO d.h.c.Builder [main] Task finished: readCoreCommerceManifest
INFO d.h.c.Builder [main] Started task: readJsAppsManifest
Exception in thread "main" de.hybris.ccv2.json.JsonSchemaValidationException: JSON is not valid! failure
error: instance value ("18") not found in enum (possible values: ["20"])
level: "error"
schema: {"loadingURI":"#","pointer":"/properties/nodeVersion"}
instance: {"pointer":"/nodeVersion"}
domain: "validation"
keyword: "enum"
value: "18"
enum: ["20"]
This KBA describes how to unblock failing builds and includes further recommendations.
Note about what versions are no longer supported, as of August 2024:
- Composable Storefront 2211.x that are based on Angular 17 are only supported with Node.js v20 (Node.js v18 not supported).
- Composable Storefront update releases are current for 6 months and after that are no longer supported. See this list. Customers must move to an update release that is supported. For example, 6.8 was supported until July 2024. We strongly recommend customers move to the latest 2211.x update release.
- Spartacus versions 4.x, 3.x, and earlier versions are open source and NOT SUPPORTED. Both are end-of-life and were not officially supported by SAP, though support was provided by product team on ad-hoc basis.
SAP Commerce Cloud in Public Cloud
SAP Commerce Cloud, Composable Storefront (aka project "Spartacus")
Node.js,Node.js 14,Node.js 16,Node.js 18,Node.js 20,Spartacus,Composable Storefront,Commerce Cloud frontend, build , KBA , CEC-SPA , SAP Commerce Cloud Spartacus , CEC-SCC-CLA-BUI , Build Process , Problem
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