You are trying to update the Taxes tab of Materials using Migration of Materials with the Enhance already existing records. However you are getting the errors as
"Taxes: Invalid value 'ABC' in column 'Country/Region of Tax Authority' detected" (ABC is Country)
"Taxes: Invalid value 'XYZ' in column 'Tax Rate Type' detected" (XYZ is Tax Rate Type)
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration -> Overview
- Search for the Migration of Materials activity
- Click on Migration of Materials using the Migration Tool
- Upload the file
- Click on Properties & Set as Enhance already existing records
- Execute the Migration Step by Step
- On the Simulate stage you get the errors
As part of 2305 changes, there was a plan to remove region field as not mandatory field and made tax rate type field as mandatory which was causing the issue for Vietnam material update.
As per our investigation, above fix is blocking the material update in Mass Data Maintenance and proposing ODATA as workaround for customer to update the material Tax data.
Also, we see OData is updating the data correctly.
Please find the below pay load detail:
GET-Read the data
1.https://{{TenantHostname}}/sap/byd/odata/cust/v1/mat_tax/MaterialCollection?$filter=InternalID eq '{{P-MaterialID2}}'&$expand=MaterialDeviantTaxClassification&$format=json&$select=ObjectID,UUID,InternalID,MaterialDeviantTaxClassification
2PATCH -update
https://{{TenantHostname}}/sap/byd/odata/cust/v1/mat_tax/MaterialCollection?$filter=InternalID eq '{{P-MaterialID2}}'&$expand=MaterialDeviantTaxClassification&$format=json&$select=ObjectID,UUID,InternalID,MaterialDeviantTaxClassification
See Also
2498592 - Error Message While Uploading Tax Data for Materials Using Mass Data Maintenance
OData Example: Create and Update Product Data in SAP Business ByDesign | SAP Blogs
Tax Rate Type, Material, Migration of Material, Enhance Already Existing Records. , KBA , tax rate type , material , migration of material , enhance already existing records , SRD-CC-MIG-DMC , Migration: Tool , Problem