You are using an invalid Postal Code and there is no Validation.
- SAP Sales Cloud Version 2
- SAP Sales and Service Cloud Version 2
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigation Menu.
- Go to Accounts View.
- Open Account 123 (where 123 is the account ID).
- Enter the value in the Postal Code field.
- There is no error message.
The Postal Code Length validation is based on the Country maintained in the Account.
You need to maintain a Country to validate the Postal Code Length.
See Also
Postal Code, Error, Length, Account, Individual Customer, Country , KBA , CEC-CRM-ACC , Account for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , CEC-CRM-IND , Individual Customer for SAP Sales/Service Clou , How To
SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0