With Focused Build Requirements-to-Deploy SP12 the Mass Change Pop-up – Defect Correction has been refactored according to the newest SAP Fiori Guidelines.
A specific field is only displayed on the Mass Change Pop-up – Defect Correction in case the field is changeable based on your selected defect corrections from the result list table.
Within the Chapter ‘Symptom’ this Knowledge Based Article describes different, possible Use Cases for the mass change of specific Defect Correction fields and how this is being executed utilizing the refactored Mass Change Pop-up – Defect Correction.
In case that specific Consistency Checks have been established, this t is being described as well.
The Chapter ‘Resolution’ describes the results to be expected for each Use Case in detail:
- Is the field displayed on the refactored Mass Change Pop-up, or not,
- Which values are offered in the F4-Help, and why is this the case.
Please use your Focused Build Architect Role for the execution of the Use Cases.
Use Case 1: Perform checks for the field ‘Status’:
Use Case 1.1: Please perform a filtering on Defect Corrections, which are set to the user status 'Created'. Select two of the filtered Defect Corrections and press the button 'Mass Change'.
Use Case 1.2: Please perform a filtering on Defect Corrections, which are set to the user status 'Being Corrected': Select two of the filtered Defect Corrections and press the button 'Mass Change'.
Use Case 1.3: Please perform a filtering on Defect Corrections, which are set to the user status 'Confirmed', and which have no Work Package Assignment (use filter field: ‘Work Package Assignment à Unassigned Defect Corrections). Select two of the filtered Defect Corrections and press the button 'Mass Change'.
Use Case 1.4: Please perform another filtering on Defect Corrections, which are set to the user status 'Confirmed', and which have a Work Package Assignment (please use filter field: Work Package Assignment à Assigned Defect Corrections). Select two of the filtered Defect Corrections and press the button 'Mass Change'.
Use Case 2: Perform checks for the field ‘Priority’:
Use Case 2.1: Please perform a filtering of Defect Corrections, for which a specific value for the Priority, for instance, ‘High’ has already been set. Please select two of the filtered Defect Corrections and press the button ‘Mass Change’.
Use Case 2.2: Please perform filterings of Defect Corrections for a specific user status, including the final statuses 'Withdrawn' and 'Closed'. Please select two of the filtered Defect Corrections and press the button ‘Mass Change’.
Use Case 3: Perform a check for the field ‘Category’:
Please perform filterings of Defect Corrections for a specific user status, including the final statuses 'Withdrawn' and 'Closed' for which a Category has been assigned. Please select two of the filtered Defect Corrections and press the button ‘Mass Change’.
Use Case 4: Perform a check for the field ‘Partner Function’:
Please perform filterings of Defect Corrections for a specific user status, including the final statuses 'Withdrawn' and 'Closed'. Please select two of the filtered Defect Corrections and press the button ‘Mass Change’.
Use Case 5: Perform checks for the fields ‘Project Name and Project Phase’:
Please note: the following logic has been implemented for the fields ‘Project Name’ and ‘Project Phase’ on the Mass Change Pop-up – Defect Correction. These checks are automatically run, and the results determine, which Project Names and Project Phases (Waves) will be offered in the F4-Help.
- When you open the F4-Help of the field 'Project and Phase' on the Mass Change Pop up - Defect Correction, you can see, that it consists of the two fields 'Project Name' and 'Project Phase'. At first, you must select an entry from the F4-Help of the field 'Project Name'. Only then, the field 'Project Phase' will be changeable,
- In case that the user only selects a Project Name but does not select one of the displayed Waves in the field ‘Project Phase’, we throw the following Error Message: ‘Reassignment of selected Defect Correction(s) is only possible for a selected Project Name' and a 'Project Phase’,
- In addition, the F4-Help of the field 'Project Name' shows only Project Names, which have the same System Landscape assigned,
- Moreover, it is automatically checked on Wave Level if a Release has been assigned and if a Task List for this Release has been created. If the source release of a DC has a task list assigned, then the target project phase release must have also a task list assigned. If the source release does not have a task list assigned, then the target project phase release must not have a task list assigned as well,
- Additionally, an automatic check on the Release Phase of the potential Target Releases is run: Release Phase must be 'Prepare' or 'Build'. Reassignment is not allowed for the Release Phase 'Created'. Therefore, Waves, which have a Release set to the Release Phase 'Created' assigned, will not be displayed in the F4-Help of the field ‘Project Phase’.
Use Case 5.1: As first, please filter on Defect Corrections, which are set to the user status ‘Handed Over to Release’. Select two of the filtered Defect Corrections from the result list table and press the button ‘Mass Change’.
Use Case 5.2: As next, please filter on Defect Corrections, which are set to the user status ‘Withdrawn’ or ‘Closed’. Select two of the filtered Defect Corrections from the result list table and press the button ‘Mass Change’.
Use Case 5.3: Please filter on Defect Corrections, which are set to user status ‘Being Corrected’ (or any other user status below ‘Handed Over to Release’) and which have a Work Package Assignment (please use filter field: Work Package Assignment à Assigned Defect Corrections). Select two of the filtered Defect Corrections from the result list table and press the button ‘Mass Change’.
Use Case 5.4: Please filter on Defect Corrections, which are set to user status ‘Being Corrected’ (or any other user status below ‘Handed Over to Release’), which have no Work Package Assignment (please use filter field: Work Package Assignment à Unassigned Defect Corrections), and which are set to the Priority ‘Very High’ or ‘High’. Select two of the filtered Defect Corrections from the result list table and press the button ‘Mass Change’.
Use Case 5.5: As last step, please filter on Defect Corrections, which are set to user status ‘Being Corrected’ (or any other user status below ‘Handed Over to Release’), which have no Work Package Assignment (please use filter field: Work Package Assignment à Unassigned Defect Corrections), and which are set to Priority ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’. Select two of the filtered Defect Corrections from the result list table and press the button ‘Mass Change’.
SAP Solution Manager Release 7.2, Add On Package ST-OST200, SP12 and higher
Refactor Mass Change Pop-up – Defect Correction, Mass Change Operations app – Defect Correction , KBA , SV-SMG-OST-FB-CM , Change Request Management , Problem
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