SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3366363 - Unable to purge candidates belonging to specific Country/Region via "Select Multiple Users" in purge request- Onboarding1.0


Unable to purge candidates belonging to specific Country/Region via "Select Multiple Users" in purge request.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Admin Center > Data Retention Management 
  2. Click "Create New Purge Request"
  3. Select a purge request type: DRTM Onboarding 1.0 Purge
  4. Set it to "Select multiple users"
  5. Select a Onboarding Status: Completed
  6. Select a Country/Region
  7. Click "Launch Immediately"
  8. Go to Admin Center > Purge Request Monitor
  9. Click "Purge Progress & Results"
  10. Status is Completed with an empty report


The attributes values for which the "Contact Country/Region" is not defined is appearing from Location Corporate Structure.


Please check these settings below:

1. DRTM Onboarding Candidate Info

  1. Go to Admin Center > Manage Data
  2. Select "DRTM Onboarding Candidate Info" in the first checkbox and "CANDIDATE_INFO" in the second checkbox.
  3. Click "Details" to confirm whether the provided candidates are still within retention time. 

    Please refer to the following KBA for more details.

    2638035 - Enabling Data Retention Management Purge - Onboarding 1.0

2.  'workCountry' key in OnboardingCandidateInfo

  1. Go to Admin Center > Manage Data
  2. Select "OnboardingCandidateInfo"
  3. Scroll down to the workCountry and note that the workCountry of affected candidates is the specific Country/Region.
  4. Go to Admin Center > Manage Data
  5. Select "Country/Region"
  6. Confirm that the status of the specific Country/Region is active.

3.  'DivCountry' key in HRData

  1. Go to Super Admin > Manage HR Data
  2. Confirm whether the provided candidates have "DivCountry" and "DivCountry.IsoCode3" keys.
  3. Confirm whether the provided candidates have values in the above two keys. Please refer to KBA 3164735 and 2819097 for more details.

4. Corporate Structure

  1. Go to Onboarding1.0 Dashboard >References Files
  2. Select Corporate Structure > 4 - Location
  3. Confirm the "Contact Country/Region" attributes values are present. If not, please open each location and add "Contact Country/Region" attributes values.

See Also

  • 2638035 - Enabling Data Retention Management Purge - Onboarding 1.0
  • 3164735 - DRTM Purge Preview Report doesn't show notes 'This user is still within retention time period' criteria set for Country - Onboarding 1.0
  • 2819097 - How it works the calculation of DivCountry field - Onboarding 1.0


OBD, Onboarding 1.0, Onboarding1.0 purge, DRTM Onboarding1.0 purge, purge, This user is still within retention time period, DivCountry, workCountry, Purge reports  , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-INT , Integrations with Onboarding , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions