Unable to purge candidates belonging to specific Country/Region via "Select Multiple Users" in purge request.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Admin Center > Data Retention Management
- Click "Create New Purge Request"
- Select a purge request type: DRTM Onboarding 1.0 Purge
- Set it to "Select multiple users"
- Select a Onboarding Status: Completed
- Select a Country/Region
- Click "Launch Immediately"
- Go to Admin Center > Purge Request Monitor
- Click "Purge Progress & Results"
- Status is Completed with an empty report
The attributes values for which the "Contact Country/Region" is not defined is appearing from Location Corporate Structure.
Please check these settings below:
1. DRTM Onboarding Candidate Info
- Go to Admin Center > Manage Data
- Select "DRTM Onboarding Candidate Info" in the first checkbox and "CANDIDATE_INFO" in the second checkbox.
- Click "Details" to confirm whether the provided candidates are still within retention time.
Please refer to the following KBA for more details.
2638035 - Enabling Data Retention Management Purge - Onboarding 1.0
2. 'workCountry' key in OnboardingCandidateInfo
- Go to Admin Center > Manage Data
- Select "OnboardingCandidateInfo"
- Scroll down to the workCountry and note that the workCountry of affected candidates is the specific Country/Region.
- Go to Admin Center > Manage Data
- Select "Country/Region"
- Confirm that the status of the specific Country/Region is active.
3. 'DivCountry' key in HRData
- Go to Super Admin > Manage HR Data
- Confirm whether the provided candidates have "DivCountry" and "DivCountry.IsoCode3" keys.
- Confirm whether the provided candidates have values in the above two keys. Please refer to KBA 3164735 and 2819097 for more details.
4. Corporate Structure
- Go to Onboarding1.0 Dashboard >References Files
- Select Corporate Structure > 4 - Location
- Confirm the "Contact Country/Region" attributes values are present. If not, please open each location and add "Contact Country/Region" attributes values.
See Also
OBD, Onboarding 1.0, Onboarding1.0 purge, DRTM Onboarding1.0 purge, purge, This user is still within retention time period, DivCountry, workCountry, Purge reports , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-INT , Integrations with Onboarding , Problem