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3366584 - Getting 403 response when calling the API to create/update certificate(s) in Cloud Integration


You are calling the below API to create/update a certificate on the Cloud integration tenant, but the call is refused with 403 error response.

You are calling the right API: https://<CI tenant URL>'<xy>')/$value?fingerprintVerified=<value>&returnKeystoreEntries=<value>&update=<value>
You also have the required role assigned as mentioned in the official SAP Help page: 'MonitoringDataRead' 



SAP Cloud integration
Integration Suite


SAP Integration Suite 1.0


CI, CPI, Cloud Integration, 403, Security API, certificate, PUT request, MonitoringDataRead, SecurityMaterialEdit, add certificate, update certificate, security content , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-OP-SRV , Integration Monitoring , Problem

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