You're facing the error message “Cannot complete an SFC number on the last reporting step because it is part of a simultaneous group. Please complete all other steps in the simultaneous group first. (Message 14550)” whenever you try to Complete a quantity in an Operation with 'Is Last Reporting Step' flag checked, of a Simulateous Group, before completing the SFC in the other Operations from the same Simultaneous Group.
SAP Manufacturing Execution 15.5
SAP ME,Manufacturing,MFG,ME,MFG-ME,MFG-ME-INT,ERP,Reporting,Manufacturing Execution, Simultaneous Group, Is last reporting step, Operation, Message 14550,15.5, Production Router, Routing, Complete, Shop Order, SFC , KBA , MFG-ME , SAP Manufacturing Execution , MFG-ME-INT , Integration , Problem
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