You are trying to do a compressed database backup.
You may see the following error messages in backup.log:
2023-08-15T10:51:16+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 INFO BACKUP command: backup data for <Tenant_db_name> using backint ('<SID>_<DB_NAME>_NSRCOMPLETEBACKUP_FULL_02_20230815105010_backup') COMPRESSED
2023-08-15T10:51:17+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 INFO BACKUP BACKUP will write to the following files :
2023-08-15T10:51:17+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 INFO BACKUP state of service: indexserver, <host_name>:<port>, volume: 0, BackupExecuteTopologyAndSSFSBackupInProgress
2023-08-15T10:51:17+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 INFO BACKUP state of service: indexserver, <host_name>:<port>, volume: 0, BackupError
2023-08-15T10:51:17+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 INFO BACKUP state of service: xsengine, <host_name>:<port>, volume: 2, BackupAbortSavepointInProgress
2023-08-15T10:51:17+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 INFO BACKUP state of service: dpserver, <host_name>:<port>, volume: 5, BackupAbortSavepointInProgress
2023-08-15T10:51:17+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 INFO BACKUP state of service: indexserver, <host_name>:<port>, volume: 3, BackupAbortSavepointInProgress
2023-08-15T10:51:17+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 INFO BACKUP state of service: indexserver, <host_name>:<port>, volume: 3, BackupAbortSavepointFinished
2023-08-15T10:51:17+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 INFO BACKUP state of service: dpserver, <host_name>:<port>, volume: 5, BackupAbortSavepointFinished
2023-08-15T10:51:18+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 INFO BACKUP state of service: xsengine, <host_name>:<port>, volume: 2, BackupAbortSavepointFinished
2023-08-15T10:51:18+00:00 P0005420 189f8d241e3 ERROR BACKUP SAVE DATA finished with error: [447] backup could not be completed, [301178] Invalid key algorithm <algorithm_name>
The error indicates the specified algorithm for compression is not supported.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP HANA, platform edition 1.0
- SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
compressed data backup, Data Backup Compression, compression algorithm, data_backup_compression_algorithm, Invalid key algorithm , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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