Getting an error while assigning the goal. BPE error for transfer Goal:
ONB2_GOAL_TRANSFER: ExecutionException while upserting goals for process with applicantId: 123456789: com.successfactors.coengine.error.detail.COGeneralBadRequestException: Error on field state Invalid Enum
SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding
On onboarding side, we do not have categorization of different Enum values as you can see while filling out goals in goal activity of onboarding process. So when we transfer goals to Goal Management, we have to send certain state (status). With the current design, this particular state is hard-coded in Onboarding side as "Not Started".
In most cases, users define this "Not Started" enum in their templates. However, if it's the case that none of the enums have a value of Not Started, then when the transfer happens it is not able to map this enum in GM which leads to failure.
You will need to add another enum value "Not Started" for the goal transfer to be successful. You can add it as below (modify background, color, lang labels as needed but keep the enum-value value as Not Started).
Please ensure your state is configured as below in the goal template otherwise it will fail.
<field-definition id="state" type="enum" required="false" show-in-pp3="true" detail="false" viewdefault="on" showlabel="false" reportable="field5" field-show-coaching-advisor="false" cascade-update="push-down">
<field-label lang="cy_GB">Statws</field-label>
<field-label lang="en_GB">Status</field-label>
<field-description lang="cy_GB">Statws</field-description>
<field-description lang="en_GB">Status</field-description>
<enum-value value="NewEnum0" style="background:#FCFAF8;color:#FFA701">
<enum-label>In progress</enum-label>
<enum-label lang="cy_GB">Yn mynd rhagddo</enum-label>
<enum-label lang="en_GB">In progress</enum-label>
<enum-value value="NewEnum1" style="background:#FFFFFF;color:#FD1F01">
<enum-label>Behind plan</enum-label>
<enum-label lang="cy_GB">Ar ei hôl hi o ran y cynllun</enum-label>
<enum-label lang="en_GB">Behind plan</enum-label>
<enum-value value="NewEnum3" style="background:#FFFFFF;color:#797D7B">
<enum-label lang="cy_GB">Wedi canslo</enum-label>
<enum-label lang="en_GB">Cancelled</enum-label>
<enum-value value="NewEnum2" style="background:#FFFFFF;color:#26B43B">
<enum-label lang="cy_GB">Wedi cwblhau</enum-label>
<enum-label lang="en_GB">Completed</enum-label>
<enum-value value="Not Started" style="background:white;color:black">
<enum-label>Not Started</enum-label>
<enum-label lang="en_GB">Not Started</enum-label>
Error on field state Invalid Enum, transfer, goal, error, bpe, onboarding, OBX, ONB2_GOAL_TRANSFER, task, candidate, ONB2_GOAL_TRANSFER: ExecutionException while upserting goals for process with applicantId , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX , Onboarding 2.0 , Problem