SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3367932 - Unable to access Apps/Reports due to currency/unit conversion error


  • Error: Database returned the SQL code 719. Error text: currency/unit conversion error: search table error: Conversion( "COL$1$", "COL$5$" ).


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open App Credit Limit Utilization - Business Partner gt 80% Today.
  2. Press GO button.

  1. Maintain a new Ex.Rt type MBDS in the configuration activity Check Exchange Rate Types (SSCUI ID 102349).
  2. Maintain Currency Exchange Rates for the currency pairs.
  3. Create Sales Order Document.
  4. Save Sales order.


For all the company codes group currency (currency type 30) is configured. Currency exchange rates are not configured for the pair From Company Code Currency to Group Currency.

ex. Company Code Currency (10) is TRY for company code and USD is the Group Currency.


Maintain the settings for the Exchange Rate Type and the currency pair in the Configuration Activity:

  1. Choose configuration activity Define Currency Settings for Ledgers and Company Codes  (SSCUI ID 103379),
  2. Choose configuration activity Define Standard Quotation for Exchange Rates (SSCUI ID 102611),
  3. Choose configuration activity Define Translation Ratios for Currency Translation (SSCUI ID 102568).

Maintain currency exchange rates for currency pair. To view/maintain the currency exchange rates use App Currency Exchange Rates (App ID: F3616). More related information is given on help portal link


F1751, currency, exchange, rate, 10, 30, group, currency, company code, currency, SQL code 719, Conversion( "COL$1$", "COL$5$" ), F3616, SSCUI, ID, 103379, 102611, 102568, ABAP Dump, sales, order, creation, CURRENCY_CONVERSION_ERROR , KBA , FIN-FSCM-CR-2CL , Credit Management (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions