When execute an infopackage from the DB connection type source system, got the errors:
Unknown error while uploading data from the DB table
Message no. RSDS_ACCESS027
Errors in source system
Message no. RSM340
And from ST11, you can see the following errors:
C ERROR: 1 in function GetNextRow (fetch) [line 18528]
C (99) [22003] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Numeric value out of range row 1, col<col number>
C ERROR: 1 in function GetNextRow (fetch) [line 18528]
C (99) [22003] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Numeric value out of range row 2, col <col number>
C ERROR: 1 in function GetNextRow (fetch) [line 18528]
C (99) [22003] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Numeric value out of range row 3, col <col number>
The same ST11 errors can also be seen from datasource data preview(T-cd=RSDS -> Preview).
- SAP Netweaver BW Data Warehourse All Versions
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