SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3370287 - The slots of the "Contract End" time are available only in 30 minutes via the drop-down list after the cancellation of the service contract


After the service contract is cancelled via the "Cancellation" tab, the slots of the "Contract End" time are available only in 30 minutes via the drop-down list. It is not supported to enter a time such as 23:59:59. It will automatically be changed back to 00:00:00.




Please use the ODATA API Service Contract (A2X) or SOAP API Service Contract - Create, Update (Asynchronous) where the service contract cancellation date and time can be updated together with the "POST" action.

Taking the ODATA API Service Contract (A2X) as an example, "SrvcContrCancellationDateTime" refers to the date and time when the service contract item is to be cancelled, that is, the validity of the service contract is to end. It is provided in UTC timestamps:

POST  /ServiceContract/{ServiceContract}/SAP_self.Cancel

{ "ServiceContractCanclnParty": "stri", "ServiceContrCancellationReason": "stri", "SrvcContrCancellationDateTime": "2017-04-13T15:51:04Z" }

With regard to the new feature request to enable time such as 23:59:59 in the Fiori app "Manage Service Contracts", please raise a new feature request through the Customer Influence Portal under the sessionSAP S/4HANA Cloud for Service.

2807810 - What is Support issue – What is Feature Request: Cloud Solutions

2963059 - How to Submit Feature Requests for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Product


Service contract, Cancellation, Contract end, 23:59:59, 00:00:00, Fiori app, Manage Service Contracts, ODATA API, Service Contract (A2X), SOAP API, Service Contract - Create, Update (Asynchronous), SrvcContrCancellationDateTime, ServiceContractCanclnParty, ServiceContrCancellationReason , KBA , CRM-S4-SRV-CTR-2CL , S4CRM: Service Contract (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions